PoochPlay Tracker and App Features
Have you been thinking about purchasing a PoochPlay dog activity tracker? Or have you recently downloaded our PoochPlay app? If so, check out below for more information on how to use our PoochPlay tracker and app.
Dog Info
Once you have created an account with PoochPlay it is important to fill out all of your dog’s information. This includes things like breed (over 200 to choose from), date of birth, current weight, temperament, and lifestyle and health. When filling out the temperament it will ask you if your dog gets along with other dogs, cats, people and children. In regards to lifestyle and health, you can fill out your dog’s pet type (indoor, outdoor, or both), lifestyle (active, lazy, etc), how trained they are (basic, obedience, etc), if your dog is neutered, and if they are a swimmer. All this information can be updated on a regular basis in case anything changes for your pooch.
Recommended Food Intake
Another great feature of the PoochPlay app is that you can add the type of food your dog eats. By clicking update in the app you can find over 60 brands to choose from. It includes food for small puppies all the way to large senior dogs. Based on your breed and the amount of activity your dog gets, the amount of food you dog needs on a daily basis will adjust. Is your brand of food not in the app? No problem! Just send us a quick message and we can add it for you.
Activity Tracking
When you have set up the app with all your dog’s information you can now connect the tracker to the app. You can track your dogs daily, weekly, and monthly activity as the tracker calculates the number of “moves” or minutes your dog was active. You can see your daily goal and you will have a graph that can show you your activity. The tracker can easily connect to both iOS and Android operating devices through Bluetooth. Each time you sign in to the app and you click the tracker icon your dog’s activity information will sync. If you don’t have a tracker do not worry as all your dog’s activity information can be inputted manually as well.
Personal Assistant
Lastly, the personal assistant feature on the pooch play app can help you manage your dog’s schedule. By clicking on the + icon you can manage things like when your dog should go for a walk, take medication, get their nails clipped, get vaccinated, and dewormed. For daily schedules it is very simple as all you have to do is select the time of day and you will receive a reminder at that time. For events that happen less often, you can select the date and the frequency that you would like it to occur.
PoochPlay can help you manage your dog’s activity, diet, and weight all from the comfort of an app. To find out more about our PoochPlay dog activity trackers click here!