If you own a dog, you already know just how intelligent they are. Many breeds, such as Labrador retrievers and Dachshunds, were in fact bred to do jobs. So it’s no wonder they get a little bored when you’re out...
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Have you recently brought an adorable puppy home with you? In the first few weeks, there will be a bit of a learning curve as you will have to get used to your new puppy and they will get used to their new environment.
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It can be fatal to leave a dog or a child in a hot car in summer, but in each summer numerous cases still happen when people have to break windows or call the police to free a dog from vehicles. Since summer is here, dog owners need to be extra careful!
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As the temperatures continue to rise and the time spent outdoors increases it is extremely important to keep your dog hydrated. Before your dog head out into the summer heat, check out some of our tips to keep them cool below.
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Your adorable pooch may get anxious and sad when left at home alone as they love to spend time with their owners. It is a great idea to take your furry friend on a trip and explore the world together. Check out our top 5 holiday ideas below.
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