Dogs are amazing and special creatures that have been living as our domesticated companions for the last 32,000 years. To live with us for so long and to adapt to all the changing conditions we know that they must be smart. However, do we really know what is really going on inside their cute furry heads?
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Dogs give us so much more than we could ever know. They are loving, loyal, and silly animals that deserve to be treated like royalty (and most of them are). Check out our top 10 reasons why dogs are the best pets below!
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Some dogs are just more active than others and it is important as future or current dog owners that we are aware of these high-energy breeds and their needs.
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As many of you already know, dog's have the most incredible sense of smell. But do you know how their sense of smells works? Check out our top 10 most interesting facts about dogs' sense of smell. It overpowers our own.
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Humans and dogs have lived together for the last 30,000 years and since then dogs have truly become our best friends and to many our fur babies!